
The Association to Benefit Children is a 501(c)(3) that serves underserved children and families in New York City through an extensive, whole-family program. From our East Harlem location on 126th, we provide a variety of programs from creative writing to health class geared to foster academic and social development for children ages 5-21. Since summer 2019, when a New York high school student approached the organization to teach photography to whoever would let him, we’ve been hosting five to twelve student photography classes. The program is still finding its footing, though, next month we plan on hosting an exhibition to showcase the students’ work.

The course always leads wherever the students take it. Currently, the twelve year olds enrolled in the program are delving into their everyday lives here at ABC in the “Everydayness” unit. Taking influence from the work of writer Georges Perec and photographer Gordon Parks, the students strive to see and capture the quaint beauty of their day-to-day.



Lauren Schor Geller (2018)

Lauren Schor Geller (2018)

Mason Geller is a filmmaker, photographer, and high school student from New York City. Since he taught himself through (youtube and reddit) how to work his brother’s point-and-shoot in seventh grade, Mason has not left the home without his Pentax K1000 strapped to his backpack. Since then, Mason has won six regional and national Scholastic Art & Writing awards , directed a short documentary, and began teaching here at ABC.